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15894 16045 LED can replace incandescent of 40W?
by ledlamp2010 | 2011-10-06 
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IP9009 MCP6L02 ACT39/38A TPS1120Y LT1567 TLGTE1100B EPT7075 STP7NA40FI BZT52-B12S SMBJ-LC48 B25667B5117A175 KTY13 74LVT245 NJM317 PIC-37044LO PIC18F8310-I/PT EZ1587C MSMA021 RF2919 FQPF19N20C GR3BB AD8042 HYSP1 CXK58512TM AT43311 MH8S72BCFD-6 2308-1DCG8 KL197T01 NTE6090 EPR1005
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