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Humidity Sensor


Humidity Sensor with the H14DL

Published:2012/9/12 21:04:00 Author:Ecco | Keyword: Humidity Sensor

Humidity Sensor with the H14DL
A humidity sensor with temperature compensation built-in. Never apply a DC voltage to the sensor, even measuring the sensor with an ohmmeter will damage the device, always ensure that an AC voltage is applied. Avoid condensation, freezing, dust, mist, oil, alcohol, etc. To set up this circuit replace the H14DL with Min Res 22Kohm and Min Res 51Kohm as shown, Acjust RV1 until a voltmeter between output and ground reads 1.40V. Source: NEXT.GR   (View)

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Published:2009/7/20 11:50:00 Author:Jessie

Feedback circuit generates precise pulses to control light level of photoelectric light source. Difference between reference current supplied by zener diode and current from photocell is amplified by transistor chain and applied to Q6 to adjust lamp current.-J. R. Dyke, Illumination Stabilizer for Photosensing System, Electronics, 34:52, p 44-45.   (View)

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